Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day!  My 2nd Mother's Day started off with a great present!  We slept in until 9:30!  WOOOOHOOO!  On the other hand that left us rushing around to get ready for church.  Do you know what it's like to try and get out of the house with a toddler in a hurry... OMG. It will be the death of you.  Anyhow, in all the rush I just decided to throw my hair in a pony tail and hope for the best.   

I've decided my child has something against a.) taking pictures with me and b.) taking pictures before church on special holidays.  She would NOT put down the tooth brush and would NOT look at the camera.  These are the only pictures we have of the two of us from Mother's Day 2011.  I am sure that one day these pictures will serve as a reminder to me of how it was to raise such a strong willed child.  It's a wonderful but challenging job to be a mom. I wouldn't change it for the world! Again I thought that we might could snap a few after church.  FORGET ABOUT IT!

 Eric and Tyler Kate also surprised me with a mani/pedi gift certificate and a window planter basket for some flowers.  I think E is tired of my rubbing rough feet on him at night!  At least this was a nice way of telling me :)

We didn't get any pictures other than these of Tyler Kate, but we went to Eric's Uncle George's house after church to have lunch with his family.  He was wearing big black grilling gloves and they TERRIFIED Tyler Kate.  I have never seen her act like that before.  We didn't really know what was going on with her and thought we might end up at the ER (she acted liker her ears hurt) but luckily her fears subsided when she found these shades and silly bands in her Grammie Patti's Navigator (and Uncle George took off the gloves).

When we came home I got another NICE gift, a nap!  So glad my girlie wanted to sleep.... her mama has been worn out.  

Sunday night went to visit with my mom and played with the new kitties.  Tyler Kate enjoys seeing the "baby cats".  

She has so much to say these days and is sooo sweet.  She told her daddy Saturday night that she wanted the moon.  She said, "moon...I want it, daddy get it!".  If we could give it to her we would, no doubt about it.  I am amazed every day at what she does and says.  It's such a wonderful blessing to be her mommy.  We hope you all enjoyed your Mother's Day as much as we did!


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