Tuesday, May 17, 2011

20 Months

Tyler Kate- you are 20 months old today!

You are talking so much and keep us on our toes. You are a very active toddler.  It is so much fun to watch you learn- you sure are smart!  You are able to learn new things so quickly, we all think you are above average!  We just found out that you were accepted to attend PEEP for preschool this fall.

You just said "I love you" for the first time this weekend and now you are telling everyone you love them.  I'm glad that you told me and your daddy first.. it melted our hearts! You are very loving and have started giving us kisses more and more.  It is so sweet and I could just eat you up!  You make sure that we have group hugs, you call it "mommy and daddy love".

Every day we are amazed by the things you do and say.  You love to wash dishes and when you don't want to go to bed at night you say "go downstairs, I wash dishes".  It cracks me up!  I wish we could record everything that you say, you are so funny!

You still love your paci.  If you lose it you don't even look for it, you just ask me or your daddy where it is.  You call all other children "babies" even if they are bigger than you. You weigh about 25 pounds but you seem so skinny. You are an EXCELLENT eater.  You love any foods that we give you but popsicles and raisins are your favorite treats right now. If we pass McDonald's you automatically think that we are supposed to stop for french fries. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is still your favorite cartoon.  I'm sure that we have seen every episode at least 20 times but you don't seem to mind.

You are such a pleasure and I am glad to call you mine!


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