Thursday, May 5, 2011


Better late that never, right?  I thought that I would share about some things we did for Easter.  On Good Friday my parents and Majane came over and helped us dye Easter eggs.  I was impressed that Tyler Kate did not make more of a mess and that my kitchen did not look like an Easter egg by the time we were finished.  

She really enjoyed helping her "mam-ma".  

 I thought our eggs turned out pretty good :)

 On Saturday our church had an egg hunt.  They were really smart and hid the real eggs for the big kids across the street at the manse and hid plastic eggs for the kids outside the playground.  Tyler really enjoyed herself and found all her eggs on her own.  

She also had a fan club.  This kid had her mom, dad, uncle, grandma, grandpa, great-grandpa and grandma and her mom's best friend there.  HA!  

The funniest part was when my mom tried to explain to our pastor that Tyler Kate isn't spoiled and he was looking around realizing that there were no less than 8 adults there to see one toddler hunt eggs!   

She also really enjoyed having lunch with her church buddies.  I got cracked up because she was the only child at the table who didn't have food yet (I know bad mom got in the back of the line) and I could hear her saying "mama, plate, mama, food" while I was in line.  Ha!

On Sunday we went to church.  I only have a few pictures of Tyler Kate in her Easter dress.  She was precious, however, she did NOT want to smile for any pictures before church.  
I thought she looked precious in her "lambie dress" as she called it.
Of course we had to take pictures with lambie.  

I intended on taking more pictures afterward but by that time she was sleepy and my dress had ripped.  So we went and had lunch with Papa and Majane and my parents.  It was delicious as always!  All in all we had a happy Easter. Hope you did, too!



Great pictures Jess! It cracks me up how outgoing Tyler Kate's personality is. She is so funny!


Thanks Ashley!

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